Ching Tin, Wai Chun Hin, and Hui Sau Ping grew up like brothers, and the three loyal friends join the HK Police Force together, specializing in anti-narcotics cases. While they were meant to reunite after busting a large-scale drug ring, Ching Tin and Sau Ping discover that Chun Hin, who had gone undercover, has returned a changed person. Sau Ping gets framed by a gang, pushing him to join hands with the corrupted Chun Hin out of resentment. The drug war in South East Asia intensifies as a new generation of drug lords gain power and Chun Hin clashes with Thai drug lords. The three friends find themselves in two different worlds and their brotherhood is put to test in the face of greed and corruption.
(Source: VIU)

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Art 3 Kom Tech Chunpeal – 30 End
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战毒, White War (2020)
Status: Completed Network: iQiyi, Tencent Video, ViuTV, Youku Studio: iQiyi, Tencent Video, ViuTV, Youku Released: May 07, 2023 Duration: 35 Min. Season: Summer 2020 Country: China Type: TV Episodes: 30 Censor: Censored Director: Chen Guo Hua Casts: Bosco Wong, Chrissie Chau, Evergreen Mak, Karena Ng, Kenny Kwan, Ron Ng, Zhang Ya Zhuo
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Watch Art 3 Kom Tech Chunpeal – 30 End
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