Sne Kleng Bonlom Besdong
Sne Kleng Bonlom Besdong
Rating 8.5
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Sne Kleng Bonlom Besdong [25 END]

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รางรักพรางใจ, Rarng Ruk Prang Jai (2021)
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Synopsis Sne Kleng Bonlom Besdong [25 END]

Tiwtawat, Karawat’s brother was murdered in a shooting. Getusa mysteriously disappears and reappears with no memories of herself or her twin sister, Getapa, who is now missing.

Suddenly becoming a suspect in the case, Getusa teams up with Karawat to investigate what really happened.

However, while searching for answers and also a way to recover her memories… romance begins to rise between Karawat and Getusa.

(Source: thaidramatic_update || Edited by: Soju at MyDramaList)

Gallery Sne Kleng Bonlom Besdong [25 END]

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