Bandasa Phnom Neak Reach
Bandasa Phnom Neak Reach
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Bandasa Phnom Neak Reach

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Synopsis Bandasa Phnom Neak Reach

Asia (Green), a pediatrician who came to treat children’s snake scale disease in Phanom Naka village. until encountering danger But he received help from Anantachai (Tree), the Naga serpent who protects Phanom Naga.

Because a thousand years ago, she was Ananchali, Anantachai’s lover, but she was captured by Anantachai (Phet), Anantachai’s younger serpent. with envy and wants to possess Ananjalee in hopes of ascending to Nagathibodi, who is the greatest among the Nagas This jealousy brings many stories that is connected to the present life Until causing Asia to encounter strange stories. It’s hard to find the answer.

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