The story follows Noree, the granddaughter of the city’s number one matchmaker, Grandma Thaep, who has to find a partner for Khun Rit, aka Phra Ritthirongranyuth, the head of the…
Set towards the end of the Jin Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, Sumoer is a Khorchin Mongol woman with a generous personality. She is someone who would rather…
A story about a team of agents is told from the perspective of An Jing and Ma Shang. Showing no fear in their mission to uphold justice, these officers work…
lbech satrey Cheongdam-dong is the seat of wealth and prestige in Korean high society, but an ugly, deeply rooted scandal shakes it to its core when a woman who is…
Dr Akkanee and his crew travel to a village that is old fashioned and superstitious to study the paranormal and that proves that it is not true. In the village,…
This story revolves around the cold and icy “male god” professor Zhang Si Nian and the calm and sunny Yun Shu. After a fractious first meeting, where Yun Shu dressed…
The story follows Noree, the granddaughter of the city’s number one matchmaker, Grandma Thaep, who has to find a partner for Khun Rit, aka Phra Ritthirongranyuth, the head of the…
Set towards the end of the Jin Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, Sumoer is a Khorchin Mongol woman with a generous personality. She is someone who would rather…
A story about a team of agents is told from the perspective of An Jing and Ma Shang. Showing no fear in their mission to uphold justice, these officers work…
lbech satrey Cheongdam-dong is the seat of wealth and prestige in Korean high society, but an ugly, deeply rooted scandal shakes it to its core when a woman who is…
Dr Akkanee and his crew travel to a village that is old fashioned and superstitious to study the paranormal and that proves that it is not true. In the village,…
This story revolves around the cold and icy “male god” professor Zhang Si Nian and the calm and sunny Yun Shu. After a fractious first meeting, where Yun Shu dressed…